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- Know-your-investee coaching for investor | HONG BAO MEDIA
Know your investee better Personality profiling for due diligence Investing in companies means investing in their Leadership Teams. As a venture capitalist or angel investor, y ou already conduct due diligence. But traditional background checks don’t fully account for personalities and team dynamics. With the help of CliftonStrengths®, the HBM Alpha Returns Program ™ reveals and mitigates clashes in vision, differences in values, cultural mismatches, personality conflicts, power struggles, resentment and egos. The Program helps you avoid the embarrassment of having to withdraw a term sheet from your Investment Committee’s consideration, or worse, costly mistakes which require you to take on the dreaded “interim CEO” role after the Leadership Team has fallen apart. There are two ways investors can get to know the teams leading their possible investees, whether it is a private equity fund, venture capital fund, start-up, or corporate acquisition target: Spend 24 hours a day with them for an extended period, observe them in all manner of circumstances, including in their office, during presentations, in social settings, on your boat or golf course, with their families, friends and colleagues, during ordinary course of business and at times of stress. Qualify them through the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ and know within 24 hours whether you should be working with them or not, or what areas of your relationship require special attention. Introducing: the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ Through our proprietary methodology we provide you with insights into ten characteristics of successful investee team members: Strong business builder and entrepreneurial mindset Ability to think strategically Ability to execute Strong team builder Strong people-centric leader Detail-oriented, balancing against the bigger picture Astute decision maker Highly competent negotiator in different settings and cultures Highly compelling communicator, especially including any bad news Strong sense of long-term stewardship of the business and your money In addition, investors can customize the weighting given to categories 1-10, so you receive both the normalized and your customized score. Investors also receive qualitative guidance about the investee team's: Strengths Areas of weakness Areas of potential conflict Get started today 1 You invite your investee team to take part in the program as part of your due diligence process 2 Team members take the market-proven Gallup CliftonStrengths® online assessment, which takes 20 minutes of their time 3 We provide you with a proprietary dossier with a qualitative and quantitative assessment of each team member, and the team as a whole. Team members are not interviewed by us. NEXT You will know within 24 hours whether you really want to invest in that team – or not. It also reveals grey areas, so you might still decide to invest with no illusions about the weaknesses of the team, to understand where more nurturing and guidance will be required, and where shortcomings need to be augmented with additional hires. Have you already made the investment? The HBM Alpha Returns Program™ still allows you to make, or ask for, changes to teams on an informed basis. How is the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ different from a regular CliftonStrengths® assessment? Gallup CliftonStrengths® is a market-proven psychometric assessment with a strong multi-decade track record. It is primarily used for personal development and career coaching. The HBM Alpha Returns Program™ translates it in a new, proprietary way through the lens of experienced institutional investors. It is finely tuned to provide stunningly accurate and predictive insights into the likely conduct of the individuals and teams that you invest in. What am I going to receive? The HBM Alpha Returns Program™ includes a report containing: A graphic overview of the team’s strengths and gaps Summary of the team’s strengths, from the perspective of investors Summary of the team’s weaknesses, from the perspective of investors Summary of the team’s blind spots, and what remedial action might be required Depending on specific weightings you provide, an adjusted report on the above three elements Individual report on each team members strengths, weaknesses and blind spots in accordance with our proprietary evaluation We already know our investees Most people think they are good at sizing people up. They think they are good at reading them, making a judgment call. And it's true that some people have a special knack for understanding the unique characteristics and personality traits of people they meet. But not everybody does, and while this ability is clearly valuable in personal relationships, it is essential in business relationships – especially where your or your organization’s money is involved, and a fiduciary duty comes into play. The HBM Alpha Returns Program™ makes the intangible tangible, the subjective objective, it gives you, the investor, the ability to communicate clearly to your board or investment committee the relative strengths of a team, as well as areas that need to be watched or remedied. Moreover, making the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ an integral part of your due diligence process allows you to compare different teams in your investment portfolio using objective measures, and over time allows you to correlate certain team qualities to top-quartile or top-decile investment success. What can I do with the HBM Alpha Returns Program™? You can use the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ in five ways: Receive: It is sent to you – not the team you are evaluating Resolve: You can decide whether to invest in the team or not Refine: You can have a granular, honest conversation with the investee team about your expectations, where potential shortfalls are, and what strengths they need to apply to meet them. This conversation can be conducted by you in private, or expertly facilitated by us Remediate: During your annual investment review the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ helps you measure the team’s progress, with remedial action taken where required Revise: The Evaluation can be updated as existing team members leave and new members join Has this been done before? Psychological evaluations of various kinds are of course not uncommon in hiring senior professionals. However, the use of psychometric evaluations of teams and individuals within teams in the investment management industry, as part of the pre-investment due diligence toolkit, is less common because they tended to be expensive, cumbersome to interpret, and required expertise in investing beyond the realm of psychologists. In contrast, the HBM Alpha Returns Program™ is fast, easy, objective, cost-effective, and spot on. About the facilitators Facilitated by: Robert van Zwieten, immediate past CEO & President of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (now known as the Global Private Capital Association), the global industry association for private capital investors in emerging markets, and a former Director at Asian Development Bank responsible for its USD 1 billion portfolio of private equity fund investments; and Mark Laudi, CEO of Hong Bao Media, a Gallup-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths coach, and former CNBC television anchor Robert van Zwieten , immediate past President & CEO of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (now known as the Global Private Capital Association), the global industry association for private capital investors in emerging markets, and a former Director at Asian Development Bank responsible for its USD 1 billion portfolio of private equity fund investments; and Mark Laudi, CEO of Hong Bao Media, a Gallup-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths® coach, and former CNBC television anchor Contact Us For further information: Mark Laudi mark.laudi@hongbaomedia.com (+65) 901 7 3534 138 Robinson Road #21-02 Oxley Tower Singapore 068906
- Succession coaching for HNWI | HONG BAO MEDIA
Intergenerational coaching for succession planning How to ensure your children are ready to maintain and grow your family's wealth Succession planning has long been a sensitive issue among Asia’s wealthy families. Research by Harvard Business Review and others indicates five main reasons for this. LACK OF COMMUNICATION Younger generations tend to be excluded from succession planning. It can be difficult for them to start such a conversation. LACK OF EMPOWERMENT Inflexible rules can be off-putting. Less than 40% of Asia’s next generation wealthy want to take over the family business. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE Family firms are usually established in an unstructured way, often to include family members in the management of the family wealth. However, the resulting lack of expertise, vision, resources, governance, management, and improper succession planning often makes this setup ineffective and unsustainable. DIFFERENT GOALS FOR MANAGING WEALTH Older generations tend to wish to preserve wealth, younger generations grow it. In a family office context, this can be a source of tension because of these conflicting mindsets. CULTURAL SHACKLES Older generations often put off discussing succession planning with their children. This may be because of discomfort with the topic itself, to avoid sparking a feeling of entitlement, or other reasons. Help your children understand their strengths & weaknesses “My children are not like me. They lack in some areas where I am strong, but they have talents in other areas. Do they even wish to take over the family business? Are they ready, if they do?” To resolve these questions, you must understand your children better than ever before You need to understand their way of thinking, their investment objectives and their mindsets better than they themselves. To do so, you need to get under their skin. But how? This is where a CliftonStrengths® assessment comes in. Formerly known as Gallup StrengthsFinder, CliftonStrengths® has helped more than 25 million people play to their strengths. CliftonStrengths® does so by helping the individual understand their intrinsic thought processes, and boost what they are already good at to near-perfect performance. At the same time, parents are able to understand and play to the children's inherent motivations, and deal with unspoken biases. Steps to Succession Planning Our workshops and MasterClasses are: Self-Awareness Reflect on your own strengths and your drive to succeed. Contemplate the inherent strengths which helped you achieve your goals and grow your family’s wealth. Understanding Gain insights into your children’s motivations, their strengths and their weaknesses. Spot where they act based on your upbringing and nurturing, and where they are naturally endowed with other talents. Planning Identify topics you wish to discuss and the agreement you seek. Action Work through more difficult topics with the help and support of one of our coaches and counsellors. How it works 1 ASSESSMENT Parents and children take the CliftonStrengths® assessment. 2 CONSULTATION We meet parents and children separately to walk through their respective CliftonStrengths® assessments. This may take several rounds. The other’s CliftonStrengths® reports are shared with permission only. 3 COACHING Parents and children are brought together in one or more coaching sessions to share and discuss the details of their CliftonStrengths® reports. Meetings can take place in-person or virtually. 4 COLLABORATION Parents and children are now brought together with their Relationship Manager to discuss concrete steps to formulate a succession plan for the family office. NEXT Help your children understand their strengths & weakness “My children and I have a clearer view of our strengths and weaknesses. We understand each other better and have resolved past tensions. We have been able to address previously unspoken topics, including succession planning.” Contact Us For further information: Mark Laudi mark.laudi@hongbaomedia.com (+65) 901 7 3534 138 Robinson Road #21-02 Oxley Tower Singapore 068906
- Comms coaching for comms teams | HONG BAO MEDIA
Comms coaching for comms teams Introduction If you're not in the communications business you might be surprised to learn how few communications professionals actually like to be in the spotlight. Clearly some communications professionals love to talk but the range of personalities among communication professionals is as diverse as in every other industry (read why in this blog ). What happens if you're one of them? Outcomes You will learn: Where your stage fright comes from, and how to overcome it How to build on the talents that make you an excellent communication professional Build a cohesive communications team Practical exercises How to manage a press conference How to write a press release How to launch, manage and present a podcast or thought-leadership webcast How to create your own audio and video content in-house How to moderate a panel discussion Bonus Participants produce a podcast or LinkedIn video they can actually publish. Get started today 1 FOUNDATION Every Participant takes the "CliftonStrengths® 34" assessment. Find it here in the Gallup Shop . IMPORTANT: If a P articipant already has their 25/26-page "CliftonStrengths® 34" Report, do not take the assessment again. Go to step 2. 2 DOWNLOAD Ask each Participant to download their 25/26-page " CliftonStrengths® 34 " Report from their Gallup® account - they will be prompted to create this when they first take the assessment 3 SUBMIT Each Participant submits their 25/26-page "CliftonStrengths® 34" Report to us here. 4 SCHEDULE Book your 3- or 4-hour virtual or in-person coaching session - click NEXT below . NEXT Gallup®-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths® Coach Mark Laudi has coached communications teams at multinationals and the civil service. Make a booking Contact Us For further information: Mark Laudi mark.laudi@hongbaomedia.com (+65) 901 7 3534 138 Robinson Road #21-02 Oxley Tower Singapore 068906
- Business coaching for entrepreneurs | HONG BAO MEDIA
Business coaching for entrepreneurs, powered by CliftonStrengths® Introduction You're a budding entrepreneur and want to be sure you're going to be successful. Or you're facing headwinds in your entrepreneurial venture and you're wondering whether you're really cut out for it. That's where a business coach can help you - to be re-energised, to get an unbiased third-party view, and to uncover hidden talents that will lead you to success. Outcomes You will learn: Which of your talents will drive your entrepreneurial success What blind spots may hinder your success, and how to overcome these What areas you are less strong in, and how to compensate for these How to build a network, even if you dislike networking How to strategise, even if you are more of a doer than a thinker How to executive efficiently, even if you prefer to conceptualise How to get others to buy your product, or your idea, even if you struggle influencing others Get started today 1 FOUNDATION Take the "CliftonStrengths® 34" assessment. Find it here in the Gallup Shop . IMPORTANT: If you already have your 25/26-page "CliftonStrengths® 34" Report, do not take the assessment again. Go to step 2. 2 ADDITION Purchase the "Builder Profile 10" (BP10) assessment. Find it here in the Gallup store . 3 DOWNLOAD Download both reports from your Gallup® account - you will be prompted to create this when you first take your assessment. 4 SUBMIT Submit both your 25/26-page "CliftonStrengths® 34" and "Builder Profile 10" Reports to us. 5 SCHEDULE Book your 1- or 2-hour virtual or in-person coaching session with Gallup®-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths® coach Mark Laudi. Click NEXT below. NEXT Gallup®-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths® Coach Mark Laudi has launched and self-financed no fewer than five startups Make a booking Contact Us For further information: Mark Laudi mark.laudi@hongbaomedia.com (+65) 901 7 3534 138 Robinson Road #21-02 Oxley Tower Singapore 068906
- About Us | Professional Presenter Skills | Hong Bao Media
We build your presenter skills and confidence to appear on TV, radio, print, online, social, and owned media interviews. Mark has coached & mentored senior business and government leaders in media skills since 2006. OUR CEO ENGAGE MARK TO MODERATE YOUR NEXT BUSINESS EVENT More Details Mark Laudi is an accomplished media mentor, business conference anchor, and radio and financial television current affairs show host. He is a veteran of the traditional and new media, with 25 years' experience in print, radio, television, new and social media, and communications coach to senior business and government leaders in Asia and the Middle East. Between 1999 and 2006, Mark anchored and produced regional network television business news programs at CNBC Asia Pacific. He anchored Squawk Box, and performed various roles including Australia Editor, and Sydney Bureau Chief. From 1997-1999, Mark hosted news programs at MediaCorp, and was a member of the inaugural production and presentation team of English-language talk radio station CNA938. He started his media career at age 21, becoming Australia's youngest current affairs show host on ABC Radio. Having spent his formative years in South Africa, Germany and Australia, Mark has called Singapore home for more than 25 years. He is a Gallup-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths® coach, and a member of the Asia Pacific Association of Communications Directors (APACD), the International Coaching Federation, Singapore Institute of Directors (SID), the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry & Commerce. When he is not coaching top executives in presence and media skills, he is a presenter himself at numerous business conferences and events as conference anchor or moderator. OUR TEAM Adeline Ng Office Manager Lance Ong Producer Saiful Ramli Art Director Kiran Rameshchandra Editor Adlina Zulaimy Customer Success Executive Adhwa Hani binti Jauhari Content Creation Executive Aisyah Nordin Community Marketing Executive Robert W. van Zwieten Director Our Team Led by former CNBC presenter Mark Laudi, we provide the right balance of actionable concepts and the most thorough on-camera practise. It's media-everywhere! Senior business leaders know they must develop their media profile to build their personal and corporate brand, attract and retain talent, and build consumer and shareholder trust. But in an always-on, probably-live, media-everywhere environment they must be just as adept dealing with bloggers and social media activists as with traditional print and broadcast journalists. Why work with us Strong Track Record Mark has coached and mentored senior business and government leaders in media skills since 2006. Many of our new clients come to us through recommendations from our many long-standing clients. We have an S6 rating from the Singapore government under EPU/SER/32/34/35. Practical & Actionable Participants get hands-on experience. All learnings are immediately practiced and can be applied straight away. Our intensive coaching and workshops are highly engaging and interactive. Flexible & Customised Every session is tailored to your precise needs. We set no limit on the minimum and maximum number of participants in each workshop (tempered only by the need to allow enough time to practise). We set no limits on the duration. Our workshops range from one hour "dial-a-doorstop" refreshers to multi-day mentorships. We are also available after hours and on weekends, to fit in with your senior business leaders' hectic schedules. Record a video straight away Learning outcomes are applicable to a variety of internal and external communications scenarios, including traditional and new media. We are so confident of the effectiveness of our curriculum that we offer to produce a publishable video blog at the end of each workshop, which participants can upload to their YouTube channel or LinkedIn profile straight away. Genuine Television Experience Participants can practise their media skills in our purpose-built training facility , incorporating our executive boardroom and green screen TV studios in city centre locations. Alternatively, we will come to your office - anywhere! Future-Proof Our curriculum is refined and mature, but is always brought up-to-date with the changing media environment. That's why we constantly add new courses. Click "Services" in the menu.
- Sustainability Communications | HONG BAO MEDIA
Sustainability Communications Make our sustainability initiatives resilient to allegations of greenwashing Sustainability Communications All organisations are under pressure to be sustainable. But in trying to demonstrate their green credentials many expose themselves to embarrassing allegations of greenwashing. How can you meet your sustainability commitments, while ensuring they pass scrutiny by stakeholders such as investors, customers, NGOs and regulators? "Greenwash-proof your Sustainability Communications" ensures your organisation's sustainability initiatives withstand any allegations of greenwashing - and helps you respond to them if they do arise. Overview Forensic review of your Sustainability Report Benchmarking of your sustainability initiatives Messaging guidance to avoid greenwashing Coaching in communicating sustainability messages credibly Production of video statement on sustainability What you learn Where vulnerabilities to allegations of greenwashing exist in your Sustainability Report, and how to address them How to phrase your sustainability claims so they stand up to scrutiny How to counter allegations of greenwashing in interviews and public speaking engagements, such as AGMs What institutional and retail investors really think of ESG initiatives How your sustainability claims stack up against commonly accepted targets This new course is designed for Senior Leadership Teams, Boards of Directors, and others concerned with demonstrating your green credentials. Take The Assessment Click here to take the short assessment of your sustainability initiatives (you will be provided the full assessment upon signing up) Expert Advisory Robert W. van Zwieten combines two decades of private sector experience in global financial markets with more than a decade of mobilizing institutional private sector capital into development, and innovating development finance. Robert is currently affiliated with PwC Southeast Asia Consulting as a part-time Managing Director, focused on sustainable finance and energy transition. He is a Fellow with the Climate Policy Initiative, and fractional COO/CFO of Before3020, Inc. His many past leadership roles include Chief Financial Officer of the Singapore Exchange (SGX), Head of Private Sector Capital Markets at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila, Global Treasurer at GE Energy in Atlanta, Chief Administrative Officer at Lehman Brothers in New York, and President of the Global Private Capital Association (GPCA) in Washington DC. He is passionate about advancing sustainable development through governance, infrastructure and climate investments, capital mobilization through blended finance, private capital investment in emerging and frontier markets, and humanitarian affairs. About Before3020, Inc. Before3020, Inc is a primarily women-owned and operated Delaware Public Benefit Corporation, consisting of a team of 12 doctoral-prepared change agents and a diverse advisory board, for global sustainable development, who are based in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. We work with a diverse client base (from corporations and banks, to NGOs, development institutions, foundations, family offices, consultancy firms, and academia), on a retainer or milestone fee basis, augmented by KPI-based incent ive fees, to: Align organizational strategies and operations to meet the SDGs Reduce socio-economic, environmental, and governance disparities to achieve equity, using the Social Determinants of Health framework Conduct SDG impact management, measurement, and evaluation Design and implement Just Energy Transition strategies. We are a think & do tank, not just advising on strategy but also getting deeply involved with our clients in the implementation of our analysis and recommendations, to achieve the sustained outcomes on the ground that our clients and we aspire to. We seek to be financially aligned with our clients' long-term outcomes. Our team combines deep backgrounds in sustainability, finance, public policy, healthcare, diversity, equity & inclusion, research, organizational psychology, etc. for a holistic approach to solve for sustainability problems and challenges. Bonus As a bonus we invite your nominated spokesperson to record a video highlighting your sustainability initiatives, in accordance with your updated messages.
- Thank you | HONG BAO MEDIA
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- Empty nesters coaching | HONG BAO MEDIA
Coaching on life purpose for empty nesters Introduction Your children have grown up and flown the coop – leaving you with an empty nest. This new phase of your life can be unsettling. With your children building their own lives you might be struggling for a purpose. You have decided you’re going to spend all the extra time you now have on your hands by going back to work, or changing jobs. But what sort of job? Outcomes This is where a coach can support you to: Rediscover the passions you had before you started a family Discover new passions you never had time for Decide what job or occupation might be right for you Fill the gap left as your children started their own independent lives Make new friends Find new purpose in life Get started today 1 Take the "CliftonStrengths® 34" assessment - Buy it here IMPORTANT: If a participant already has their 25/26-page "CliftonStrengths® 34" Report, do not take the assessment again. Go to step 2. 2 Download your 25/26-page "CliftonStrengths® 34" Report from your Gallup® account - you will be prompted to create this when you first take the assessment 3 Each Participant to submit their Report here 4 Book your 3- or 4-hour virtual or in-person coaching session - click NEXT below NEXT Gallup®-certified Advanced CliftonStrengths® Coach Mark Laudi is a Senior Career Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, coaching professional and executive MBA students, and an empty nester himself. Make a booking Contact Us For further information: Mark Laudi mark.laudi@hongbaomedia.com (+65) 901 7 3534 138 Robinson Road #21-02 Oxley Tower Singapore 068906
- Content distribution | Hong Bao Media
Content Distribution Services Introducing Mynewsdesk Mynewsdesk is an all-in-one platform that helps businesses like yours publish and distribute their content. Everything is centralized in one place, ensuring that press releases, event photos and video coverage are spread through the right channel at the right time to the right audience. Think of it as your own business’ newsroom. Mynewsdesk makes it easy for you to publish on your website, email to your distribution lists and share on your social media channels—at the click of a button. Southeast Asian clients include Changi Airport, Pan Pacific Hotels, PwC, Epson and QNET. Why marketers and PR pros need Mynewsdesk Multi-publish platform Mynewsdesk makes it easy for you to publish on your website, email your distribution lists and share on your social media channels—at the click of a button. Boost your search rankings Get closer to search ranking success thanks to fully optimized web pages with smart tagging, rich content and quality linking. Monitor and measure Use real-time reporting to see how your content is performing, the type of content that works best and which stories are most popular. Crisp, clean, responsive design All your content will be clearly displayed and accessible on any device, anywhere—showcasing your stories, assets and social media activity. No need for IT support From implementing to publishing, your newsroom is simple to set up and manage from from one login. Magnify your reach Through the Contacts tool, you can build your audience by connecting with relevant media and key influencers. NEWSROOM PLANS MENTION - POWERFUL MEDIA MONITORING You have published your content. Now what? Mention helps you track the most important conversations about your brand, competitors, and industry online. Mention empowers you to monitor and improve your social media performance, find influencers, protect your reputation and keep an eye on the competition. Measure opinions Quickly analyze public opinion with sentiment analysis for all mentions. Increase awareness Discover brand influencers, bloggers and press to help spread your message. Work together Share alerts and tasks with your team in a collaboration-friendly dashboard. Engage your audience Connect your social accounts to respond to your community directly within the app. Customize your alerts Filter by source, language and date. Refine your alert by adding or deleting keywords. Manage crisis Mobile apps let you react immediately, before problems can spread. Audience builder Audience Builder is a media database that helps you identify and connect with relevant journalists and influencers within your industry. Whether you want to reach out to journalists in a particular country or all over the world, you can easily find influential media contacts to distribute content to. Keyword-based searches Search for regions, topics, outlets or names and we will give you the most relevant journalists or influencers to contact. Just like any other contact The contacts you import from Audience Builder are yours to use the way you would other contacts. Add them to lists, send private messages or analyze their behavior. Contact Us Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Media skills for doctors | HONG BAO MEDIA
Media skills for doctors Training in traditional & new media skills - supported by CliftonStrengths® It's media-everywhere! Senior business leaders know they must develop their media profile to build their personal and corporate brand, attract and retain talent, and build stakeholder trust. But in an always-on, probably-live, media-everywhere environment they must be just as adept dealing with bloggers and social media activists as with traditional print and broadcast journalists. . Outcomes Greater confidence in media interviews Greater interest from journalists Greater ability to deal with difficult or irrelevant questions Be quoted more often Lower risk of being quoted out of context CLICK HERE TO GET AN AUTOMATED QUOTATION You will learn The pressures of a modern newsroom and how journalists work in a 24/7 news environment The differing needs of various media types, including social media Why journalists want to talk to you What journalists expect from you How to formulate and deliver key messages with clarity How to respond to unexpected questions or issues Story telling Projecting the right image and body language You will have the opportunity to practice, and get feedback on Text-based interviews for print and online media, and Live interviews for TV and radio, podcasts and social video CLICK HERE FOR A QUOTATION What sets our course apart Our workshops and MasterClasses are: CUSTOMISED Mark is a Gallup-certified CliftonStrengths® coach. We invite each Participant to take the online assessment ahead of the workshop. This will allow us to tailor our workshops to each Participant individually. FLEXIBLE Owing to the seniority of our clients, we offer as much flexibility as we can, such as in the content, duration, timing and number of participants. INTERACTIVE Each participant is invited to contribute actively. All learnings are immediately practiced. MATURE YET UP-TO-DATE CURRICULUM Our curriculum is founded on Mark Laudi's experience in presenting on television and at business events and conferences. But he has conducted presentation skills courses for more than 16 years, so our course materials are solid and refined, while continuing to develop to stay up-to-date and relevant. PRACTICAL Filter by source, language and date. Refine your alert by adding or deleting keywords. PRACTICAL Owing to the seniority of our clients, we offer as much flexibility as we can, such as in the content, duration, timing and number of participants. Media training, supported by CliftonStrengths® Why do some people perform very well in the media, while others struggle? Your CliftonStrengths® report reveals the answer, and helps us address these issues in the most personalized, individual way possible. Rather than taking you out of your comfort zone and forcing you to conform to an off-the-shelf curriculum, we place the curriculum into the frame of reference of the individual. Instead of saying "here's how I need you to present, now go do it", the message is "given the unique personality you are and the mindset you have, here's how you can present best..." The result is much greater adoption of the course materials, removal of blockages that stop you from following best practice, and overall better media performances. Automatic membership of ContactsBook.Media Participants in our workshops are listed in ContactsBook.Media – a free directory for journalists, podcasters, bloggers and others in search of expert speakers. We now have more than 1,350 registered journalists, including Tier-1 media, trade- and niche publications, as well as event managers, freelance writers and podcasters. Benefits As a media training client, you automatically receive: 1. Listing of your media trained spokespeople on ContactsBook.Media 2. Announcement of your spokespeople to our database of journalists Sign up for the ContactsBook.Media “Expert” membership and you will receive the above, plus the following: 1. Portrait photo of your spokesperson which you can attach to their biography, send to event managers, or place on your website 2. Customised autograph card (right) 3. Animated profile video 4. Live or recorded Background Briefing on their expertise, exclusively to our journalist community 5. Publish news releases for which experts you manage are the designated spokesperson 6. Syndicate your content via our SEO tuned site How ContactsBook.Media works Journalists’ media requests are matched to qualified spokespeople using two separate search bars: Questions – Journalists send questions once for a specific area of expertise. All experts who match that area of expertise are invited to respond. Interview invitations – Journalists send interview invitations, seeking specific spokespeople or those with specific areas of expertise, locations, or media. Journalists are never put in touch with spokespeople directly. When a reporter sends questions or interview invitations, only you or your nominated comms lead receives the email request. Watch Mark in action Our reality TV show "Media Superstar" takes you into the training room during our media training sessions. Watch four real clients going through the course in these entertaining episodes. CLICK HERE FOR A QUOTATION Bonus While you’re here, record a video blog or interview you can publish on your own LinkedIn feed or YouTube channel.
- Hong Bao Media: Media Training & Executive Coaching
Hong Bao Media provides a new generation of communications services to corporate clients throughout the Asia Pacific, for a new era of communications. OUR UNIQUE APPROACH Media & presentation training, powered by CliftonStrengths We tailor every workshop to suit the unique strengths of each individual participant. Whether you're a naturally strong presenter or not, our Gallup-certified CliftonStrengths coach Mark Laudi brings out the best presenter in you. Our vision is for every Asian Business Leader to be a confident media interview guest and a world-class presenter The world is changing dramatically, and so is the way companies communicate. Hong Bao Media is there with you, behind and in front of the camera. I need: Select from our services "We are your Integrated Communications partner for contemporary media and business communications." Traditional media training We prepare business leaders for any and all media interviews: Print, broadcast, online, blogger, social. In an era of unforgiving audiences, aggressive reporters, alternative facts and fake news, you need the skills and confidence to win. We emphasise practise in our own TV studios in Singapore and Malaysia. Select "Traditional media skills" from the dropdown menu above. Executive Coaching We offer CliftonStrengths executive coaching for individuals and teams. We also apply CliftonStrengths (formerly known as Gallup StrengthsFinder) to media skills and presentations, so everyone can be a great public speaker. Select "Executive coaching" or "Training in presenting for those who don't like to present" from the dropdown menu above. New media training L ive webcasts and podcasts bring scale to your communications.But many productions fail to generate a return on investment. We coach you in TV presenter and production skills so your webcasts, podcasts and social videos are always engaging and dynamic. Select "Training in live webcasting" from the dropdown menu above. Live webcasting & studio Our green screen studios in Singapore's Financial District and Kuala Lumpur's City Centre have all the facilities you need for live webcasts and recordings. Select "green screen studio" or "Production of a live webcast" from the dropdown menu above to check availability, packages and prices. OUR STUDIO Our green screen studios in Singapore's Financial District and Kuala Lumpur's City Centre have all the facilities you need for regular live webcasts and recordings. FIND OUT MORE WHAT OUR MEDIA TRAINING PARTICIPANTS SAY “For media training, Mark Laudi (Hong Bao Media) rocks for TV interviews..” Jeannie Ong, Director Investor Relations Professional Association Singapore (IRPAS) FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM